Hamdan | 02-6270527
Muroor | 02-4432525
Hamdan | 02-6270527
Muroor | 02-4432525

How we’re keeping you and our staff safe

Screenings for all

Body temperature of patients,
accompanying members and staff will be recorded. Before checking in, patients will be required to fill out a questionaire for any illness, fever or signs of symptoms

Appointments are required

Patients are advised to visit the clinic
only with an appointment, which can be made over the phone, through the website or whatsapp

Seating arranged 6 feet apart

The waiting area is arranged with social
distancing in place as advised by CDC and DOH guidelines

Enhanced sanitation and infection control

Additional sanitation is conducted in the
clinics, with complete disinfection of dental chairs and regular sterilisation of all instruments

Increased PPE

All our doctors and dental assistants
are fully protected with gowns, goggles,
masks and gloves throughout

Masks are mandatory

Patients are required to wear a mask at
all times, except during treatment

Is it safe to visit the dentist during COVID-19 ?